The Croods 2013 Seeking the light's source, she meets Guy (Ryan Reynolds), an intelligent Cro-Magnon caveboy (Homo sapiens sapiens). She at first attacks him but then becomes fascinated with the fire he creates and is eager to learn more. He tells her about his theory that the world is reaching its 'end' and asks her to join him. She refuses and Guy leaves, but not before giving her a noise-making shell to call him if she needs help.
Friday, June 7, 2013

Upon reaching the Emerald City, Oscar meets Evanora, Theadora's sister, who is skeptical of Oscar being the foretold wizard. Evanora tells Oscar that the Wicked Witch resides in the Dark Forest and can be killed by destroying her wand, the source of her power. Oscar and Finley are joined en route to the forest by China Girl, a young, living china doll whose home and family were destroyed by the Wicked Witch. The three reach the forest and, upon retrieving the wand, discover the "Wicked Witch" to be Glinda the Good Witch, who tells them Evanora is the true Wicked Witch.

Java Heat 2013 As the story progresses Jake teams up with Hashim to uncover the mystery behind the bombing, ultimately discovering that Sultana has been taken hostage by a dangerous international jewel thief named Malik (Mickey Rourke) in cooperation with a terrorist gang headed by Achmed (Mike Muliadro). Jake, revealed to be a former Marine, and Hashim become the target of attacks by Achmed's gang. Ultimately, Jake and Hashim chase Malik through a Vesak ceremony at the Buddhist temple of Borobudur, rescuing Sultana and Hashim's family from Malik and killing the criminal.

Evil Dead 2013 Some time later, a group of friends are meeting at an old cabin deep in the woods. The group consists of Eric, Olivia, Mia, Mia's brother David, and his girlfriend Natalie. The group has arranged this getaway as Mia's opportunity to become clean after her drug addiction caused her to overdose to the point of clinical death. Olivia suggests that Mia will attempt to bail out, and they should keep her from leaving, to which they agree.

Epic 2013 The queen of the forest, Queen Tara (Beyoncé Knowles), who is aware of Ronin's apparent attraction to her, decides to choose an heir to her throne and goes out to a field of leaf pods, guarded by a laid-back slug named Mub (Aziz Ansari) and an uptight snail named Grub (Chris O'Dowd). Tara chooses the smallest pod as the heir; however, immediately after doing so, the Boggans attack.
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